Witch and Wizard Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I am everywhere, and obviously I am all-powerful, and you are not!" (42.17)

The One Who Is The One isn't exactly known for his modesty. But if he's so all-powerful, why doesn't he just kill Whit and Wisty?

Quote #5

"The grown-ups have amply demonstrated that power corrupts," Janine said. (64.2)

The child rebels rotate leaders on a weekly basis so no one becomes corrupt. It seems to be working for them. Well, more or less. So far.

Quote #6

"He had… I don't know… vaporized everyone." (65.18)

Evidently The One Who Is The One has the power to murder people with a flick of the wrist. So why doesn't he just kill Whit and Wisty?