Witch and Wizard Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The New Order is a bright new future. It is a future that replaces the corrupting and illusory freedoms of so-called democracies and replaces them with a higher discipline." (34.9)

The New Order isn't really into things like civil rights or due process. Their society is one of strict rules and serious consequences.

Quote #5

"Stop them! They're trying to escape! Sound the alarm! Shoot to kill! Take no prisoners!" (52.12)

The Matron is almost too excited to enforce the rules. She's not just an administrator; she's a sadist.

Quote #6

"Do not cross the street against the light, do not snap gum in public, and for God's sake, do not let that dog do her business. All dogs in the City of Progress are trained to use litter boxes indoors, like cats." (68.14)

The City of Progress has some pretty strict rules. Who knew that gum-snapping was such a big deal?