Witch and Wizard The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I had been floating in my sleep. The nightmare about the gallows had woken me up, and I had woken… in midair. (33.3)

Some people snore, some people sleepwalk, and some people hover over the beds. Wait… what?

Quote #8

"You're laughing, Whit, but… this whole witch-and-wizard thing. The flames. The glowing. The gavel-stopping. Now the floating. I think we really are… magic." (33.12)

It takes Wisty quite a while to come around to the idea that she's actually a witch. Is it because she's so surprised? Or because anything supernatural is stigmatized under the New Order?

Quote #9

"Don't come here again, Whit," she warned. "This is the Shadowland. It's a place for spirits. That's what I am now. I'm a ghost." (37.14)

Wisty really wants to help Celia come back to the Overworld permanently. But Celia says dead is dead. (Unless you're a Half-light like her—then you're just sort of half-dead.)