Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

“Why should you take it upon yourself to mend a roof for the Quaker woman?” demanded her uncle.

“She lives all alone-” began Kit.

“She is a heretic, and she refused to attend Meeting. She has no claim on your charity.” (12.66-68)

According to Uncle Matthew, Hannah’s religion leaves her isolated, with no claims to Kit’s charity.

Quote #5

That for stealing pumpkins from a field, and for kindling a fire in a dwelling they three shall be seated in the stocks from one hour before the Lecture till one hour after. That they shall pay a fine of forty shillings each, and they be forbidden hereafter, on certainty of thirty lashes at the whipping post, to enter the boundaries of the township of Wethersfield. (16.31)

Is this punishment fair? Why is Nat’s offense worthy of banishment?

Quote #6

“My house!” cried out Hannah, so heedlessly that Kit clapped a hand over her mouth. “Our own house that Thomas built!” With the tears running down her own cheeks, Kit flung both arms around the trembling woman, and together they huddled against the log and watched till the red glow lessened and died away. (17.88)

Hannah is an easy target and becomes the scapegoat for the fever in the town. Why do the townspeople believe they should burn her house?