Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

There was no one, no one in the whole room, save her uncle, who would speak a word in her defense. William had not come. (19.10)

Why will no one defend Kit during her trial? Why will William not speak up for her?

Quote #8

“There seems to be no evidence of witchcraft,” he announced, when order had been restored. “The girl has admitted her wrong in encouraging a child to willful disobedience. Beyond that I cannot see that there is any reasonable charge against her. I pronounce that Mistress Katherine Tyler is free and innocent.” (19.128)

Is justice done in this case? Who does not get justice? What happens to Hannah? Do we ever see justice for the way in which she is treated?

Quote #9

“The lad risked the penalty to see justice done. I suggest you remit the sentence.”

Nat risked his neck just to see that the right thing was done. He could have looked out only for himself, but instead he violated his banishment in order to return and help secure justice for Kit.