The Witches Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then I panicked. I dropped the hammer and shot up that enormous tree like a monkey. I didn't stop until I was as high as I could possibly go, and there I stayed, quivering with fear. (4.77)

They say that, when people encounter a dangerous situation, it's either fight or flight. Well, it's very clear that our narrator exhibits the flight end of things here. Does his reaction to fear change throughout the book?

Quote #5

That face of hers was the most frightful and frightening thing I have ever seen. […] There are times when something is so frightful you become mesmerised by it and can't look away. I was like that now. I was transfixed. I was numbed. I was magnetised by the sheer horror of this woman's features. (7.7-8)

When we're afraid of something, sometimes the best solution is to expose ourselves to it in order to overcome our fears (unless, of course, you're afraid of man-eating grizzly bears, that is). Our narrator does this naturally, staring at the witch because of how terrible and scary she is.

Quote #6

"I was living in constant terror that one of the witches in the back row was going to get a whiff of my presence through those special nose-holes of hers." (9.1)

Do you think our narrator is living in constant terror throughout the entire book? Are there moments when he's not scared when he should be? Or moments when he's scared but shouldn't be?