The Witches Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I ran, oh how I ran! The sheer terror of it all put wings on my feet! (12.2)

Again with the flight. Whether it's one witch offering him a snake, or a hoard of witches chasing after him at full speed, it seems we know our narrator's natural tendencies.

Quote #8

The maid let out a scream that must have been heard by ships far out in the English Channel, and she dropped the shoes and ran like the wind down the corridor. (14.4)

Most of the fear in The Witches is fear of – yep, you guessed it – witches. Here, though, we see a lady who's afraid of a mouse. That kind of puts everything in perspective, right?

Quote #9

"Don't go on about it, Grandmamma. You're making me nervous." (17.28)

Our narrator's grandma keeps reminding him how dangerous his adventure will be. Sometimes the more you talk about something, the more real it becomes – and hence, the scarier it is.