With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies! Resources


The Whole Story

Read the complete Astrophel and Stella.

Quotable Sidney

Try some of these out next time you want to sound smart.

Sonnets, Sonnets, Sonnets.

This site has lots of Renaissance sonnets, and lots of great info and links.

The Death of Sidney

Here's an excerpt about Sidney's death, from an early biography by Fulke Greville.

The Birth of Sidney

Wow, he was born in this awesome place?


Text and Slides

Now this is neat.

Astrophel and Stella: The Slide Show

This is kind of cute (and funny).


More Moon Shots

Here's a reading of the poem, accompanied by a picture of the moon.


Sonnet 31 starts this audio section of Astrophel and Stella.


Sweet Collar, Bro

Here's a painting of Sidney wearing a massive Renaissance collar.

Wounded Sidney

Is this an actual photo of Sidney's death? Sorry, no. No cameras back then.

Real Life Stella

Here's a picture of Penelope Devereux, the woman Sidney once loved.

Sidney's Funeral

This drawing shows Sidney's funeral procession.

Penshurst Place

Wow, wow, wow, wow. We still can't believe this was once Sidney's pad.

Articles and Interviews

Cambridge Criticism

Here's an article on "Astrophel and Stella" (different spelling here) from the early-twentieth-century edition of the Cambridge History of English and American Literature.


Astrophel and Stella

Maybe we should be skeptical of a publishing company called Dodo Press.

The Lady Penelope

This book's about Lady Penelope Devereux, Sidney's supposed love interest and "model" for Stella.