Wonder Chapter 64 Summary


  • Jack's in the hot seat facing expulsion in Mr. Tushman's office. His mom is there too, and no one can believe what's just happened—it's totally out of character.
  • Jack won't explain. Can't explain. "It'll just make everything worse," he sighs (4.Detention.13).
  • Overwhelmed, Jack starts to cry.
  • Since it is so close to winter break, Mr. Tushman decides that Jack should stay home for the rest of the week, spend some time thinking about what happened, write some letters of explanation and apology, and if all those criteria are met, he can return after break with a clean slate.
  • Mr. Tushman says everything is going to be okay, and he quietly says something to Jack's mom that Jack doesn't hear.
  • We get the sense that Mr. Tushman has some idea about what precipitated Jack's explosion.