Wonder Resources

R.J. Palacio's website rocks. The story of her inspiration, trivia, FAQs, links, and more.

Palacio's tumblr page is filled with questions from fans. So if there's something you're curious about, this is the place to ask her.

In the book, Auggie says he has mandibulofacial dysotosis, but the author has described his condition more specifically as Treacher-Collins Syndrome.

If you liked Wonder, check out this reading list of books you'll probably also enjoy.

Beautiful video about the Children's Craniofacial Association's annual family retreat.

Want to sign the Choose Kind pledge?

Resources, badges, stickers, E-cards and more.

Lovely Pinterest page devoted to all things Wonder-ful.
Articles and Interviews

Emily Bazelon, author of Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying, chats with Raquel Jaramillo (a.k.a. R.J. Palacio) about Wonder.

For fun (and one hundred imaginary smarty-pants bonus points), find the glaring error in this article.

The Wall Street Journal examines the phenomenon of how adults really dig children's and young adult lit. "The growing appeal of children's literature reflects a broader cultural shift as the taste gap between generations collapses."

Shmoop loves book trailers. And this one even includes the astronaut's helmet.

Author R. J. Palacio reads a chapter from Wonder.

Introducing the cast readers of CCA Voices of Wonder, with bonus super cute ending.

"Wonder" What It's Like to Have Kids Stare at You? (NPR's pun, not ours.)

Which cover do you like?

Author R.J. Palacio.

The author meets a fan.