How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I loved living in the streets. I loved the fast money, fast cars, and fast women. Above all, I loved the reputation I had earned in the 'hood.(2.15)
It's kind of weird to hear someone say they loved living in the streets. But Shaka explains here why there's a lure to street life for some kids who do have other options.
Quote #2
I learned that jail wasn't much different from the streets; it was a power-based environment where the only means of gaining respect were violence and money.(4.53)
Hmmm. It's hard to see how prisoners are going to change in a system that looks just like the one where they committed their crimes. Does going to prison actually make some people more violent than they would have been otherwise?
Quote #3
I had never thought about the fact that by getting locked up, I was also imprisoning everyone who loved or cared about me.(4.55)
Imprisonment isn't just an individual thing. While Shaka's friends and family aren't literally in jail because of him, they're metaphorically held hostage as long as he's in jail.