How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
There had been [...] hurts that could not be healed. For one time, at least, in that hard season, I had the satisfaction of having done a thing that had come out right. (2.10.102)
Like her peers, Anna struggles to stay sane amid all of the madness. The one thing that comforts her during this experience, interestingly enough, is actually helping her community. Whether that means inventing medicine, delivering babies, or mining ore, Anna derives a great deal of satisfaction from helping others.
Quote #8
"Mr. Mompellion, too, has come upon these talismans. It seems the madness is spreading as fast as the disease among us." (2.12.11)
One major side effect of this whole plague business is that the community goes insane. With their loved ones dying every day and no end in sight, the villagers turn to bizarre magical rituals to save themselves. It's basically mass psychosis.
Quote #9
Those of us who were left feared [...] the hidden contagion we each might carry. People scurried [...] without meeting another soul. (2.12.30)
The villagers' fear of the plague becomes so intense that they give up trying to keep the community together. At this point, they're all so emotionally broken that seeing each other only reminds them of everything they've lost. Eyam has become Bummerville.