How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"We are become Golgotha—the place of skulls," said Michael Mompellion. (2.12.29)
Wow—that's pretty intense. For context, Golgotha was the hill where Jesus was crucified, according to the Bible. (It's also the name of our new doom metal band. We call dibs.)
Quote #8
Whole houses stood empty; entire families gone from us and names that had been known here for centuries gone with them. (2.12.31)
Pretty heavy, right? The city of Eyam isn't seeing just a massive number of deaths; it's also seeing a complete upheaval of its sense of identity. Its history is literally being erased. For better or for worse, the village will never be the same again.
Quote #9
I did my habitual count of persons [...]. For the first time in almost a year, there was not one newly missing face. (2.14.3)
Could it be that the plague is finally...gone? After so much death and destruction, the villagers of Eyam don't know how to react once the Grim Reaper skips town. How are they supposed to go back to life as it was before?