How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I was desperate, and I was deranged," she said. "I violated my own body with a fire iron." (2.9.69)
This horrible event shows just how powerful repression can be. Elinor's big sin—sleeping with the wrong person—is something that many people have done. Her shame is so strong, however, that it basically drives her temporarily insane.
Quote #8
"On your knees, sinner!" He took a step towards us, a looming black figure. (2.12.53)
Mompellion seems like a swell dude for most of the novel, but he tends to flip out whenever he catches wind of sexy times. As we'll see, there's a fascinating reason for this.
Quote #9
We had each other, wild and hard, right there upon the gritstone floor, and the pain as the rough flags grazed my flesh seemed to match the pain that was in my heart. (3.15.60)
Well, that's one way to get rid of repression. Anna has long been attracted to Mompellion, and with Elinor dead, she can no longer hold back the tide of her feelings. It ends up being a mixed bag. On the one hand, she feels incredible after having removed the yoke of sexual repression. On the other, she feels shame for betraying her recently deceased friend.