How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
This time, it was no outward horror that plunged me back into our hard reality, but my own realization [...] that I had no further means to secure such oblivion. (2.9.19)
Anna relieves a great deal of her suffering by taking opium, but the feeling is only temporary. Even worse than that—her supply is limited. In this way, Anna's drug use ends up biting her in the butt because it only highlights the emotional pain she's been fighting against since the plague arrived in Eyam.
Quote #8
He had, as he had said, set himself up as a grave-digger to the desperate. From those too ill or weak to bury their dead, he demanded a high fee. (2.11.7)
Some people, like Anna's pops, seek to exploit the suffering of others. This is an unfortunate but very real thing that happens: any time a tragedy strikes, you can be sure that there's some shady huckster out there looking to make a quick buck off of someone else's pain.