You Can't Take It With You Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around You Can't Take It With You? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which character has a twitch in their face, and why?

Mr. Poppins, because he is nervous.
Essie, because she bumped her face dancing.
Mr. Blakely, because of stress.
The crow, because it is a witch in disguise.
Q. Who discovers Tony and Alice kissing in the office, and what does the chaacter do?

Mr. Kirby, and he kicks Alice out.
Mrs. Kirby, and she gives them a look of death.
Grandpa, and he gets them to help him slide down the banister.
Yoda, and he teaches them the force.
Q. Which character sits with a kitten in their first appearance?

Mr. Kirby
Mrs. Sycamore
Mr. DiPenna
Mr. Spock
Q. In what ways are Mr. Kirby and Grandpa similar?

They both have indigestion.
They both play the harmonica.
They both have sons.
They both are spies.
Q. At the end of the play, how is Mr. Ramsey's death honored?

Mr. Kirby plays a harmonica solo and says he's sorry.
Grandpa includes him in the prayer at the end.
Everyone joins in a moment of silence.
No one says anything about him; the film just forgets him.