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Encyclopedia of Teaching
Not your grandma's encyclopedia.
Shmoop's Encyclopedia of Teaching covers the nitty gritty of every topic related to teaching and education. We've got hundreds of articles, including deets on hip-hop teaching, tips for beating the awkward parent-teacher conference, and suggestions on how to navigate the certification process in the first place.
And, of course, we give you multiple points of view, since teachers need to learn, too. (Who knew?) So get clicking, get learning, get Shmoopified—and take a nap when you're done.
Like what you see? Don't forget to head on over to our Teacher Home Page for loads more resources for teachers by teachers.
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Introduction to Teaching
In this section, we cover the rewards and the challenges, the teaching philosophy and the...just surviving. We even answer the dreaded question: "How much do teachers make?" And this is just the intro.
Classroom Management
These articles provide the key to a Kumbaya cirle of Shmoopfaced angels—or at least strategies for managing a roomful of too-smart-for-their-own-good kids.
Creating Curriculum
Need tips on backwards planning? Trying to figure out how to teach the tough subjects without blushing—or getting fired? Our articles on creating curriculum will hit you up with tips and tricks for all manners of curriculum and lesson planning.
How do you assign oral presentations without risking fear-induced puking? We have the answers to this and other less gross questions. Read up on assessment tools, portfolios, and how to serve up a perfect feedback sandwich.
Professional Development
Get the lowdown on how to reach the pot of gold at the end of the become-a-teacher journey. Spoiler alert: your salary will not even approximate a pot of gold.
Hot-Button Issues
Let's talk about sex...along with race, class, and gun-carrying teachers. If you're up for a juicy debate, click through for loads of articles on the hot topics of education.
Teaching and Learning Styles
If you're craving a little theory, reach for a spoon of Honey and Mumford’s ideas on learning styles. If you're looking to turn up the coolness factor on your teaching, read up on HipHopEd and looping. Intrigued? We'll walk you through tons more innovative and fun theories and ideas from the experts—all in one place.
Developing Relationships
Communication is key in any relationship. Oh, you've heard that one before? Then why not click into our section on developing relationships for some slightly-less-cheesy advice.
Whether you're considering it, struggling with it, or wanting to validate it, you've come to the right place for all things homeschooling. We've got everything from the basic FAQs to the deets on how to make it all happen.
Perfect parents are as rare as perfect kids, but we have tons of resources to help you figure out the triangle of Teach, you, and your kid.
Subject Areas and Grade Levels
Because every type of teacher should be able to answer the "When am I ever gonna use this?" question. Whether you're teaching math, history, digital literacy, or the history of rock 'n' roll, we've got you covered.
Beyond Teaching
Check out what we have to say on heavy stuff like being a mandated reporter, busy stuff like adding coaching to your plate, and personal stuff like staying positive and healthy while taking on one of the toughest jobs in the biz.
Shmoop Best Practices & Case Studies
Get the skinny on all things Shmoop for teachers. Read up on best practices, hear all about our success stories, and find out how other educators across the globe are using Shmoop in their classrooms.
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