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AP U.S. Government and Politics Videos 87 videos
AP U.S. Government 2.3 Constitutional Foundations. Which amendment stated that the right to vote could not be denied on the basis of race?
AP U.S. Government 1.3 Institutions of National Government. What did the Twenty-fifth Amendment do?
AP U.S. Government 3.1 Institutions of National Government. In what case did the Court hold that there was a Constitutional right to marital privacy?
AP U.S. Government 2.4 Public Policy 182 Views
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AP U.S. Government 2.4 Public Policy. The federal government's fiscal year begins on...what?
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Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by april fifteenth the most taxing day
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of the year The federal government's fiscal year begins on
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what and hear the potential answers Well even though we
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all share the same calendar the government and business go
Full Transcript
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buy a fiscal year that is different from us Regular
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folks let's get these answers on the books and see
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if we can make a date First up is january
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one but we already said that the fiscal year has
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a different start date than the calendar year so we
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can make a resolution to nix that one Next up
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is april fifteenth which is the deadline for filing our
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taxes a red number day in the government calendar for
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sure But weekend paper cut this one loose june one
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seems a bit random and july fourth is a national
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holiday so we can free up those days as well
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Which leaves us with october first Under the nineteen seventy
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four budget and empowerment control act congress chose october first
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as the start of the fiscal year which gives them
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the whole bunch of time to pass their appropriations and
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spending bills So d is the correct answer Just because
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congress is supposed to have its appropriations bills passed by
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october one doesn't mean it always happens Remember the government
- 01:13
shut down in two thousand thirteen That occurred because congress
- 01:16
couldn't pass the spending bills required to fund the government
- 01:20
Talk about a terrible wavering in the new fiscal year
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