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AP U.S. Government and Politics Videos 87 videos
AP U.S. Government 2.3 Constitutional Foundations. Which amendment stated that the right to vote could not be denied on the basis of race?
AP U.S. Government 1.3 Institutions of National Government. What did the Twenty-fifth Amendment do?
AP U.S. Government 3.1 Institutions of National Government. In what case did the Court hold that there was a Constitutional right to marital privacy?
AP U.S. Government 2.5 Political Beliefs and Behaviors 189 Views
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AP U.S. Government 2.5 Political Beliefs and Behaviors. Which of the following was not a policy priority for libertarians?
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Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by tax policy the government's regulation on
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push pins and nails Which of the following is not
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a policy priority for libertarians All right near the potential
- 00:16
answers Fire a libertarian stand in favor of more minimalistic
Full Transcript
- 00:24
approach to government so let's See which of these policies
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is a bit tio hands on for their liking Will
- 00:30
would libertarians prioritize a fewer government regulations on business school
- 00:36
Because libertarians want minimal government involvement in the economy they
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prefer that lawmakers mind their own bees wax when dealing
- 00:43
with the bees wax cos yeah so let's leave a
- 00:46
to its own devices Do libertarians emphasize be lower taxes
- 00:50
Ho you bet they do libertarians supporting economic system free
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from government intervention So freedom from taxes is high on
- 00:57
their political hit list so we will not be is
- 00:59
a major part of libertarian policy d the privatization of
- 01:03
government functions libertarians tend to favor private industry above all
- 01:07
else though when it comes to government functions like bus
- 01:09
transportation or waste management libertarians advocate for the privatization of
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these public services What about e the d criminalization of
- 01:17
illegal substances Cool libertarians favor less Government regulation in the
- 01:22
social sphere is well so they get a pretty big
- 01:24
high from the fight to legalize drugs So if we're
- 01:27
gonna write c from the books that means that libertarians
- 01:30
do Not place a priority on sea Progressive taxes Liberals
- 01:35
not libertarians prefer progressive taxes or tax rates rise as
- 01:41
income It increases making See the correct answer here In
- 01:44
fact libertarians favor a flat tax where rates are the
- 01:47
same regardless of how much money we make for libertarians
- 01:51
all men and women and all incomes are generally created 00:01:55.594 --> [endTime] equal
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