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ELA Drills, Advanced: Parts of Speech 3 36 Views
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ELA Drills, Advanced: Parts of Speech Question 3. The pattern depicted on the graph from 1980 to 1988 best serves as evidence to which of the following?
- 00:03
And here's your shmoop du jour brought
- 00:05
to you by donuts surprisingly you won't find them at Whole Foods which of the [Man cuing for donuts]
- 00:10
following combines these two sentences to make a complex sentence I went to the
- 00:14
concert I went to the donut shop and your your pendulum [Sentence appears]
- 00:20
well the concert or the donut shop always one or the other if only some
Full Transcript
- 00:24
brave artists could bridge the gap maybe with an acoustic roller or maybe music [Man playing guitar on stage]
- 00:29
just isn't ready for that yet as far as the real question goes we'll give you a
- 00:32
hint remember that a complex sentence is a sentence that has at least one [Teacher discussing complex sentence to class]
- 00:36
subordinate clause in it thus being long and random enough we've got tons of
- 00:42
options here's let's see which one fits the bill starting at the bottom would be
- 00:45
this one isn't even a complete sentence so there's no way it's right what about
- 00:49
C C's you've got two sentences here not one and two is rarely if ever equal to [Man with donuts on stage]
- 00:54
one we have two mathematician and she said our metrics out so she's got to go
- 00:58
how about B well this one's actually a single well formed sentence but it's not
- 01:02
complex the clauses can stand alone as their own sentences that is they're [Independent clauses appear]
- 01:07
independent clauses which might be great for their self-confidence academically
- 01:12
and got enough for us treat without an adult but it means B is not our answer
- 01:15
either it looks like we're almost out of options what about a finally this one
- 01:19
actually has a subordinate clause after I went through the concert can't stand [Subordinate clause highlighted from sentence]
- 01:24
on its own two legs in a sentence so at long last we have our answer we kind of
- 01:29
make what's to want to get out on a five string apple fritter [Man eating apple fritter and playing guitar]
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