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ELA Drills, Advanced: Point of View 1 222 Views
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ELA Drills, Advanced: Point of View 1. Which of the answers best captures the author's purpose in writing this text?
- 00:04
here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by women's baseball [Man watches women's baseball game]
- 00:07
league they were truly a league of their own that sounds like a great movie idea
- 00:12
yeah, we'll call our lawyer...okay let's read the text on the screen right there..
- 00:16
- 00:27
and here's our question which of the answers best captures the author's
Full Transcript
- 00:31
purpose in writing this text and here are your potential answers..well we don't want
- 00:39
to see you strike out so we'll give you a hint the author's presenting lots of [Stack of books fall on boy]
- 00:43
facts and history so which purpose does that help the most since we're trying to
- 00:48
figure out which answer best captures the author's purpose let's check them
- 00:51
all out certain with A to inform well as the hint mentioned the author presented
- 00:56
lots of facts and history that's great if you want to inform the reader because
- 01:00
now they know a bunch of facts and bits of history always a fun party trick so [groups of people walk away]
- 01:05
A is a pretty good fit but let's see if we can do better
- 01:07
how about B to entertain well although facts and history are great for
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informing they're not fantastic at entertaining which you probably know
- 01:15
after you tried that party trick we talked about and then yeah sorry about [Boy being filmed]
- 01:18
that if the text had jokes or a spooky surprise ending or something we think
- 01:22
the author was trying to entertain us with well I'd be fine but as it is B [Ghost characters appear]
- 01:26
looks like a bad fit what about C or D to persuade or dissuade well, persuasion
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and dissuasion are kind of opposites, they both function the same way both try to
- 01:35
convince the reader of something and make a pitch at the reader will buy like [Boy reading a book]
- 01:38
in advertising or when your parents argue that early bedtimes are super fun
- 01:42
well again though our pile of facts on history doesn't seem to be making a
- 01:46
pitch so C and D are out.. that leaves us with A the author wants to inform the
- 01:51
reader .. Just like in countless rom-coms the original choice that you [Man and woman walk past each other]
- 01:55
overlooked first time around turned out to be the right choice all along now if
- 01:58
you'd excuse us we got to start working on this whole league of their own idea
- 02:01
and we don't know why but Tom Hanks feels like an excellent choice [Tom Hanks standing on a baseball field]
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