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Life, Consciousness, and Existence Videos 22 videos
It may be the best of times for Chuck Darnay, but it's pretty much constantly the worst of times for Sydney. Poor guy.
Meet Charles Darnay, the nobleman who spends more time on trial and in prison than attending balls and drinking expensive wine. Don't feel too bad...
Guy in a black leotard. In a cage. Not eating. Weird? Yes. Popular? Absolutely. Kafka's short story includes iconic artist-figures: a mouse singer...
Frankenstein Summary 125770 Views
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This story goes as you might expect—a sprinkling of science, endless amounts of death and despair, and a whole lot of ugly monster. Oh joyous day!
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Frankenstein, a la Shmoop. My name is Captain Walton.
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After I'd failed at everything else, I took off for the Arctic in search of fame and glory,
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because... okay, in retrospect, it doesn't make a ton of sense.
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But there I was on my ship, just floating around, when my crew and I came across this
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guy who was so cold, he'd turned into a Popsicle.
Full Transcript
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Turns out his name was Victor Frankenstein, and boy, did he have a story.
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It all started when Victor was a kid. He wanted to do something completely insane with his
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life, like harnessing the power of lightning...
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...or joining a rock band...
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...or marrying his adopted sister, Elizabeth.
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In college, Victor was determined to make a name for himself as a scientist.
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He overcame every obstacle in his path, and figured out a way to reanimate the dead.
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I would have looked for a cure for cancer, but hey, that's just me.
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Victor decided he couldn't reanimate just any corpse. Using Play-doh and toothpicks,
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he patched together a body to bring to life.
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But then, during the reanimation process, something went horribly, horribly wrong.
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The Play-doh didn't hold up to Victor's weird science, and his creation turned outÉ fugly.
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Like, really, really fugly.
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Then a stray toothpick flew out of nowhere and jabbed Victor in the eye, sending him
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running from the room in search of a first aid kit.
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Unfortunately, Victor's creature thought his maker fled because of his fugliness, so the
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creature made like a tree andÉ leafed. According to Victor, things went downhill
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from there. When his kid brother was murdered, he just knew the monster had committed the
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The monster told Victor to make another monster...
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...a female one this time, please and thank you, so the original monster could have a
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If Victor would just create a woman for him, then the soon-to-be world's most monstrous
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couple would disappear forever. Victor thought the whole reanimation thing
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might go better if he constructed the body out of haggis, so he retired to the north
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of Scotland and got to work on monster part deux.
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However, as Victor worked, he kept thinking about the potential consequences of his actions.
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What if his creations had babies? What if those babies had babies?
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Victor wasn't sure the world could handle it.
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So...he destroyed the monster's girlfriend... while the monster watched. Not his best idea
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ever. In retaliation, the monster murdered Victor's
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Then, once Victor had married his adopted sister, the monster offed her, too.
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Next, Victor's dad dropped dead of grief. How many deaths are we up to now?
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Victor chased the monster towards the North Pole, and was just about to ask Santa Claus
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and his reindeer for directions, when my crew and I picked him up.
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Victor begged to continue north; my crew was tired of icebergs and polar bears, and wanted
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to go south. Guess who won that argument?
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And then, of course, because there hasn't already been enough death in this story, Victor
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kicked the bucket, too.
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The monster showed up on my ship to mourn his maker's demise, miserable because killing
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people had alienated him from humanity even more than his hideous appearance had.
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So... if you take anything away from this tragic tale, just remember this:
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Be very, very careful what you sculpt out of Play-doh.
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