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Hamlet Summary 126807 Views
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Hamlet is Shakespeare’s 1603 soap opera of unfortunate circumstances. Hamlet’s ghost dad tells him that he was murdered by his brother, Claudius, who is now Hamlet’s step dad. That’s family for you. Hamlet then vows to kill Claudius. Time to bring on the drama. Hamlet can’t just kill his uncle/step-dad. Nope. First he has to pretend to be insane, set up a dummy play, kill his girlfriend's dad, drive said girlfriend crazy, have a duel, be poisoned, then take his revenge. Yup, lots to do, and only five acts to do it.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in hamlet allah Shmoop you think
- 00:07
your parents are a pain boo My dad literally comes
- 00:11
back from the grave to give me chores Avenge My
- 00:14
dad saved me from the flames of hell Be nice
- 00:17
to your mother of live above a block Oh and
Full Transcript
- 00:20
my mom a month after my dad croaks she marries
- 00:24
his brother who is the one who killed my dad
- 00:27
in the first place So yeah we're a little twisted
- 00:30
family You know we're one paternity test away from being
- 00:36
like featured on maury povich Well i guess we all
- 00:42
have our baggage like when your dad picks a fight
- 00:45
with norway and leaves you to deal with the swarming
- 00:49
armies Or when your girlfriend's dad teams up with your
- 00:53
interfering mother to spy on you Come on mom You're
- 00:57
never going to get me so enough with that old
- 01:00
fogey polonius and stay out of my room Fortunately i
- 01:04
have a cunning plan to conceal my quest for revenge
- 01:08
Act like a nut job so far it's going great
- 01:12
ophelia sure is buying it anyway and how's this for
- 01:16
a genius I hired a bunch of actors to recreate
- 01:20
my father's murder Right in front of uncle claudius He's
- 01:27
gonna pee himself I know it seems like my life
- 01:33
is an endless parade of hilarious hijinks But i have
- 01:37
a dark side too I wear lots of black and
- 01:42
not just because of compliments My skin tone Plus i
- 01:45
kind of broke up with ophelia And by kind of
- 01:48
i mean called her approved and an idiot And i
- 01:51
told her i never loved you may also have made
- 01:55
fun of marriage and implied that all women were teases
- 01:57
and or flirts Who used too much makeup package for
- 02:01
hamlets And well if you think she's mad at me
- 02:06
Well at least the play gag work uncle claudius totally
- 02:10
free I got in a couple of gigs at mom
- 02:12
too but the real action went down After the show
- 02:17
claudius was by himself praying up a storm and ripe
- 02:20
for an ambush I was going to introduce him to
- 02:23
the business end of my sword but then i realized
- 02:27
i can't kill him Now when he's all spiritually and
- 02:30
communing with his maker the last thing i want is
- 02:32
for that slug can go to heaven Great Now i
- 02:35
have to wait for him to sin again So instead
- 02:41
of murdering my step dad i went to see my
- 02:43
mom and when i got there some dude was hiding
- 02:46
behind the curtain So of course i stabbed first and
- 02:51
ask questions later Yeah turns out it was that jerk
- 02:55
Polonius Why do i get the feeling all philly is
- 02:57
not gonna like this Another package handler On a funny
- 03:02
or note mom saw me chatting with my ghost dad
- 03:05
and she couldn't even see him What the heck but
- 03:09
she was dialing the therapist the minute i left I
- 03:14
decided to have a little more fun with claudia So
- 03:16
i arranged a game of hide and seek with polonius
- 03:18
body Naturally claudius overreacted and sent me to england Cool
- 03:26
road trip Well on the way though i saw forty
- 03:31
ross army attacking poland I didn't really see the point
- 03:35
but if a guy whose name contains the word brock
- 03:37
and attack a whole country eh come on Why can't
- 03:40
i bump off one measly stepfather Yeah So i headed
- 03:46
back full of righteous anger And my welcome back party
- 03:49
consisted of a funeral for my girlfriend hoops and in
- 03:53
date for a duel with her Seriously cheesed off brother
- 03:56
layer tease Hello my name is charities You killed my
- 03:59
father tonight At this point i just wanted a nap
- 04:04
But whatever let's fight we both got in a couple
- 04:08
of hits I even hit him with his own sword
- 04:11
Take that fancy pants But then my mom started looking
- 04:14
a little green prints out good old step dad poison
- 04:17
in my wine And she drank it Then i noticed
- 04:21
that i was feeling a little squirrely too And larry
- 04:23
ty's told me that the sword was poisoned by you
- 04:25
know who No not that one Uh so we meet
- 04:31
again mr hamlet and we were both going to die
- 04:34
I knew i should have stayed in bed Well there's
- 04:36
no way I was dying without taking bodies with me
- 04:39
so i stabbed him and made him drink the wine
- 04:42
just to make sure I guess now denmark's going to
- 04:47
be stuck with king lingerie Somebody tell him to bring
- 04:51
a mop die to sleep sleep our chance to shmoop
- 04:56
You know how that go I
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