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3rd Grade Videos
ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills Videos 14 videos
ELA Drills, Beginner: Main Idea 1. What word from the following sentence makes it clear that the koala was scared by the noisy celebration?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Meanings 2. This sentence is probably what?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
Language Arts Videos 84 videos
ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Punctuation/Spelling. When do you absolutely need to use a comma in dialogue?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Comparing and Contrasting 3. What's the most important difference between these sentences?
Math Videos 18 videos
Park maintenance isn't just a walk in the... well, you know where we're going with this.
Hey, look: this is math that you're actually going to use in real life. We promise, it'll come in handy someday.
Science Videos 21 videos
We wanted to make a video about sedentary rocks, but we couldn't get lazy uncle Rocky off the couch. Oh well. We'll teach you about sedimentary roc...
Today we're bringing you the opposite of Jurassic Park—how living things become fossils. Okay okay, it might not be quite as fun...but hey, at le...
When you time travel, pass out, and wake up in a cave, you might wonder why there's only one set of three-toed footprints leading in. But don't wor...
Social Studies Videos 5 videos
We know, that old phone you inherited from your parents probably seems pretty ancient, but we've got eight more that are even older. Check out the...
We promise these aren't foods, or pokemon...or pokemon foods. Today we're taking a look at three awesome places places around the world.
No, this isn't some vast kingdom under the sea that Aquaman protects. Oceania is a region of our planet that is mostly, you guessed it, ocean. We'l...