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ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Punctuation/Spelling. When do you absolutely need to use a comma in dialogue?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Comparing and Contrasting 3. What's the most important difference between these sentences?
Yep, there's actually a career out there that wants you to doodle in books. And not just in the margins. Sometimes they'll give you whole page...
This is mandatory viewing for all of our whale users, but...we guess you humans can have a look as whale.
Fixed on becoming a master of prefixes and suffixes? We'll fix you right up with a hot new Shmoopy video above.
Today we're learning all about visualizing and how it can help you remember things better. It can also torment you all night when you keep picturin...
We made a cause and effect video. Why? Cause we wanted to have a positive effect on your brain of course. on trains you not only can get a bed, but also people to attend to your every need? Sign us right up. We may never fly again.
When one graph just isn't going to cut it you'll need a paragraph...paragraph-s...? This lesson is about paragraphs.
Today we'll learn about how Jurassic Park lied to us about the T-rex. We'll never trust dinosaur movies again.
Whales are great, but when we asked them to tell us a little bit about themselves, all they said was, “Weeeeeeoooooooohhhhhhhh.” So we’re goi...
ELA Drills, Beginner: Meanings 1. Use context clues from the text to find the answer.
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Spelling 2. Which word is spelled wrong?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Main Idea 1. What word from the following sentence makes it clear that the koala was scared by the noisy celebration?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Meanings 2. This sentence is probably what?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Punctuation and Capitalization 1. Which punctuation mark should be added to the sentence?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Textual Analysis 2. Which choice best describes Heath's motivation in this passage?
Whale whale whale, what do we have here...a video about whale migration? Nice. We've been feeling a little overwhalemed with intrigue on the subjec...
It's pretty simple right? Lay the thing out flat and trace the edges...oh wait that's how you draw an outline. Hm. Well, check out this video...
Today we're learning all about blue whales. We're honestly a little overwhalemed by their size. A tongue the size of an elephant? Yeesh. And we thought Gene Simmons was scary.
Sky, royal, ocean, jay...we're talking about all sorts of blues today—oh wait. Never mind, just the musical kind.
Who wants to read a book that's far too cold? Or one that's just plain hot? Not us. Today we'll be learning how to choose one that's just right.
Buckle up and accelerate to eighty-eight miles per hour, because we're taking you to past, present, and future today. Just with verb tenses, though. Your parents didn't sign the time travelling permission slip.
There used to be whole books on how to write letters. Doesn't that sound exciting? Can't you just imagine curling up in front of the fire to read up on...ugh, even fantasizing about that is boring. Here's a nice Shmoopy video to get you through it.
Formatting text properly is important. Personally we feel like these slanty italics make us sound devious and suspicious. Not the best for a video description...but we couldn't resist. Muahahahaha.
Back in the day you used to be able to walk right over to North America from Russia. Times sure have changed.
Ed Young has written tons of awesome books inspired by Chinese philosophy and calligraphy. But spoiler alert: he's not really all that young. Actually, kind of the opposite. When's he going to change that name?
Are you tired of not being able to compare and contrast things? Tired of not being able to tell whether you like cereal, peaches, or dog food better for breakfast? Well, not to worry. Watch this video and you'll be comparing and contrasting in no time. And hopefully no longer eating dog food for breakfast.
How do you feel about complex sentences? It's complicated, right? Well luckily for you we've got a video that'll take care of that right away. Goodbye awkward Facebook status.
Today we're learning all about verbal duct tape: the conjunction. Warning, do not try to tape things together with conjunctions. Yelling "But" at your poster will not stick it to the wall. No matter how hard you yell.
Greetings, Shmoopers. That's what we're talking about today. Greetings. Oh also, greetings. Like, in the welcome sense.
Today we'll learn about writing a friendly letter. It's just like writing an angry letter except without the anger. And it's to someone you like. And you don't spit on it before sending it to the person. Okay we guess it's not much like an angry letter at all...
For a place with "angel" in the name, this island was pretty far from heavenly. Today we'll learn all about the main west coast immigration stop of the 1900's, Angel Island.
You know what the say about that great poet Walt, right? He was full of wit, man.
Today's lesson is about using proper punctuation for your writing. It's important to make sure that your words and phrases are marked correctly. Imagine having a character scream "Fire, fire, help." Yeah, that doesn't sound too urgent, does it?
Get ready for some intense indents. We're throwing little spaces in text all over the place in this video.
And if you're going to call it that, make sure you're totally ready to feed it and walk it three times a day. Especially if it's a real dog.
Soon you'll have tee paragraphs down to a tee. Just watch this video and then you'll see.