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Learn about effective language use from austronauts that like hoarding moon rocks in this SAT writing drill!
What's the whole essay about? How does time control or matter to the essay as a whole?
This SAT Writing videos goes over when to keep or ditch an extra sentence.
This SAT Writing video goes over an analysis of producers, suppliers and manufacturers on clean energy. Pretty cool huh!
Do tenses confuse you? Watch this SAT Writing video to get some practice in
This SAT Writing video analyzes and important day for George Washington. To find out more press play.
Did Washington ever get lonely? Watch this SAT Writing video on solitude to find out.
Was a carriage formal or informal transportation? Watch this SAT Writing video to find out.
American Presents of the U.S.? Or U.S. Presidents? Watch this SAT Writing video and figure out which one is better.
Did Adams fumble a speech? Find out in this SAT Writing video.
This SAT Writing video goes over the word 'regardless' in a passage about our first president.
In this SAT Writing video a tired chief executive returns to his quarters to enjoy a peaceful dinner alone. Should we keep that lonely sentence?
What's the difference between wet-cooling and dry-cooling? Watch this SAT Writing video to find out more.
What do annual potato yields have to do with reducing water usage at power plants? We know you want to know. Watch this SAT Writing video to learn...
This SAT Writing video covers the thermal conductivity of air and water.
Nevertheless functions like the conjunction still or even so, signaling contrast. Wanna know more on how to use it? Watch this SAT Writing video an...
Can 'is directly to' be simplified? Watch this SAT Writing video to find out!
Reading charts, technologies to reduce water usage, all kinds of weird things going on in this SAT Writing video.
Formal vs. Informal tones can be tricky. This SAT Writing video tries to help you figure things out.
This patriotic SAT writing video covers John Trumbull's "Declaration of Independence".
Ever heard of Trumbull's painting? This SAT Writing video goes over the artistic side of Revolutution.
In addition, furthermore and although. Yep, that was our transition from the last question. What smooths the otherwise bumpy ride between paragraphs? Transitions. Like the contact lenses the pro golfers always pitch.
What's the focus of the essay? Does a given sentence add anything? If it's additive, keep it. If not, then Jenny Craig.
Add a sentence? Does add drama? Detract? Worth the words? If it matches the theme, then you can paste the meme. Yoda said that, he did.
Effective paragraph beginnings. You need them to grab an otherwise-oh-so-bored audience. The best ones align with the theme of the essay and creates vivid imagery. Like the excited cabin of a rocket ship - where you can't sleep.
Conclusions. What's effective other than just like writing "The End"? That vital grade-driving final sentence needs to be powerful and loop in the theme or what you're trying to convey in the whole essay. So do it. The end.
This SAT Writing video goes over how to maintain the parrallel structure of passive verbs. It's definitely an underrated topic.
This SAT Reading video goes over when (or when not) to add a sentence.
Time to celebrate! This is the last one in a series of 11 questions on a piece of SAT Writing about an old painting. Wahoo!
All right SAT Writing Shmoopers. Lets go analyze a citation in this video.
Does your writing quality need some improvement? Get in some practice with this SAT Writing video on urban planning
Sometimes ya just gotta know whether to add a sentence to a paragraph or not. Watch this SAT Writing video to decided.
First of this SAT Writing video series on The Well-Rounded Curriculum.
The word good can mean more than just something nice. Need an example? Watch this SAT Writing video on The Well-Rounded Curriculum for just that.
In this SAT Writing video on The Well-Rounded Curriculum, the word "Instead" is analyzed. How exciting is that eh?!
What does a Univeristy professor and a banjo player have in common? Watch this SAT Writing video to find out!
This SAT Writing video on The Well-Rounded Curriculum focuses on the fate of students who take art classes. Sound ominous enough?
Painting of old people in the Revolution. Don't you want to know more? Well this handy SAT Reading video will definitely tell you more.
This SAT Writing video asks you to figure out which sentence most effectively conveys the main idea. You know you want to click play.
Should this author add a sentence at the end of the passage? Watch this SAT Writing video on The Well-Rounded Curriculum to tell them what's what.