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Connections/Comparisons in Two Passages Videos 3 videos
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TSI Reading: Comparing Two Texts 31 Views
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Based on the information in both passages, a reader could make the generalization that
(A)Kafka was not entirely confident in his work.
(B)As a writer, Kafka wasn't very good.
(C)Max Brod was a good friend of Kafka.
(D)The Kafka family did not enjoy his writing.
- 00:02
Okay See readers we got a whole passage here on
- 00:05
the friends kafka skimming here real quick And we'll see
- 00:08
children confident little german jews and progress of bohemia Both
- 00:11
german text log has been an insurance agency kingdom booking
- 00:15
me and satisfied And it became a writer All right
Full Transcript
- 00:19
then Says cock only publish his works in lifetime Metamorphoses
- 00:23
nineteen fifteen Hungary is twenty four In order the remaining
- 00:26
in punishment will be destroyed Our zero okay the question
- 00:30
based on the information in both passages a reader could
- 00:33
make the generalization than what other That cafta was kind
- 00:40
of weird and very happy But that's Not a choice
- 00:42
here is it Even though he had an awesome name
- 00:44
say it with us Kafka it seems old franz wasn't
- 00:48
entirely sure It was meant to be remembered never quite
- 00:51
having the guts to go all the way with his
- 00:53
writing He instead juggled two jobs and only published a
- 00:56
few works He even wanted the rest of his work
- 00:58
destroyed after his death That sounds to us like someone
- 01:01
who was not completely convinced of his own talent And
- 01:05
in those days you could actually make a living as
- 01:07
a writer like there was no tv and not much
- 01:10
in the world of movies and all that all right
- 01:12
what loser role here what what was not it Because
- 01:15
a is the right answer here Well it's he coughed
- 01:17
remains a well known writer to this day and yeah
- 01:20
we know at the very least that his literary executor
- 01:23
believed in him So the passage is not suggesting kafka
- 01:26
was a poor writer like how many poor writers become
- 01:28
legends with a famous work like the metamorphosis still read
- 01:33
a hundred years later alright next While the only two
- 01:35
details given about max brody are his occupation and his
- 01:38
defiance of the late kafka's wishes so we can't assume
- 01:42
and the two were old chums only know about the
- 01:44
kafka family is their size and status And while there's
- 01:47
no telling how the writers family felt about his work
- 01:50
they don't mention in here anyway So the answer is
- 01:52
a that's A kafka was not entirely confident in his 00:01:55.282 --> [endTime] work Alright we're smoked
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