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Meaning of Words in Context Videos 4 videos
The word "barrier" in the passage most closely refers to(A)an alpine skiing gate(B)having only one leg(C)going to the Olympics(D)being an African-A...
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TSI Reading: Defining "Nepotism" in Context 10 Views
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The Bernoulli family, with eight world-famous mathematicians spanning three generations, has left a permanent mark on the fields of math and physics. The Curies have two Nobel Prizes between them: Marie and Pierre share one in physics, and Marie has another in chemistry. These exceptionally talented families are extremely rare, though. In fact, the practice of hiring and collaborating with close relatives is often considered nepotism and is generally frowned upon. The idea of nepotism goes back to the Middle Ages, when Popes (who did not "officially" have children) used to nominate their nephews for important posts in the Catholic Church.
Based on the information in this passage, the word "nepotism" most likely means
(A)obtaining jobs for relatives
(B)religious conspiracies
(C)not practiced in modern times
(D)available to mathematicians
- 00:02
Okay see reading shmoop er's Another siri's for you Here
- 00:04
this one's focused on rhetoric and organization and the meaning
- 00:08
of the meaning meaning of words all right based on
- 00:10
the information in this passage the word nepotism most likely
- 00:13
means what Nepo Alright well skim it here with my
Full Transcript
- 00:19
family and i'm a mathematician Three generation left from the
- 00:22
marked field amendment Curious only having marion period chemistry is
- 00:25
sexually talent fame Extremely rare though in fact my idea
- 00:28
of nepotism goes by the middle ages when popes who
- 00:30
not officially of children used to nominate their nephews for
- 00:33
important post Okay so what is nepotism The passage tells
- 00:37
us that hiring in collaborating with close relatives is often
- 00:40
considered nepotism so we can assume that nepotism refers to
- 00:44
giving people opportunities they don't necessarily deserve like a student
- 00:48
being voted class president just because his mom is the
- 00:50
principal or you know our lifetime shmoop ban here from
- 00:54
cracker barrel being lifted after my grandma made a few
- 00:57
well placed phone calls Okay so the answer is a
- 01:00
obtaining jobs for relatives and the loser bowl here Well
- 01:04
religion yet comes up in the tax conspiracies Never do
- 01:07
is with not be They tend to involve more than
- 01:09
just one dude hiring his nephew on though this pastor's
- 01:11
takes a look at the origins of nepotism There's nothing
- 01:14
to suggest that this practice is extinct in modern times
- 01:16
In fact rampant let's go to wall street and check
- 01:19
that out Finally the author uses some famous mathematicians to
- 01:22
introduce the topic but the concept of nepotism isn't limited
- 01:25
Celebrated number crunchers that just goofy so it's a obtaining
- 01:29
jobs for relatives And we are smoked shmoop baptism eh
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