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Dogs have the ability to "read" human emotions. For example, dogs have been shown to discriminate between humans who approach in a friendly manner...
Jefferson Davis was an unusual man. During a long and frequently tragic life, his favorite job, according to his wife Varina, was serving as a U.S....
TSI Reading: Hey, What's the Big Idea? 59 Views
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Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and the founder of homeopathy, began as a village doctor and quickly became dissatisfied with how medicine was practiced during his time. He argued that doctors had no right to prescribe remedies they had not tried themselves. Hahnemann's ideas inspired many medical practitioners. Among his supporters after his death were those who belonged to the American Provers' Union, a group that aimed to attain medical knowledge through firsthand experience. Built into this quest was a disregard for the dangers of self-experimentation.
This passage is mostly about
(A)the origins of homeopathy
(B)the effects of self-experimentation
(C)a group of doctors who believed in testing remedies on themselves
(D)a scientist who warned of the dangers associated with the American Provers' Union
- 00:02
Okay see reading shoppers next up another paragraph be analysed
- 00:06
What would they do without us And the passage is
- 00:08
mostly about what Okay so let's go back to paragraph
- 00:15
now and read it Samuel hanneman and german decision the
- 00:17
founder of homing off the field down became satisfied helmet
Full Transcript
- 00:19
of private time here than i know right Dr remedies
- 00:22
and sell time is that frenchman directed among those devil
- 00:26
on american print in your hand knowledge for sand building
- 00:29
this question disregard for the dangers of self fermentation Okay
- 00:33
so as bizarre as it sounds this passage is all
- 00:36
about a group of doctors who experimented on themselves So
- 00:40
the answer here is see it's about a group of
- 00:41
doctors who believed in testing remedies on themselves right there's
- 00:45
a vibe here that they were skeptical that i don't
- 00:48
know they were leeching people and they were praying to
- 00:50
god teo heal them and so on And maybe that
- 00:53
works in hindsight But when your arm's broken that's not
- 00:57
going to help that much that moment So let's see
- 00:59
the loser bowl of wrong answers what we have will
- 01:02
the text notes homey apathy is something tournament invented but
- 01:06
well really never bothers to define it The writer suggests
- 01:09
that this group of doctors didn't trouble themselves with the
- 01:11
dangers of self Experimentation But he or she never actually
- 01:14
mentioned what those effects are so get rid of be
- 01:16
there And of course anyone with an imagination can agree
- 01:19
that it probably wasn't pretty Finally there's no mention of
- 01:22
a scientist who dissed the american prove Er's union and
- 01:25
hanneman supporters were the ones to form the group after
- 01:28
he died Yeah so it's see a group of doctors 00:01:31.096 --> [endTime] who believed in testing remedies on themselves
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