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Purpose Videos 6 videos
An earth-sheltered house is built below grade or completely underground. These homes are less susceptible to the impact of extreme outdoor air temp...
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TSI Reading: Identifying the Author's Purpose 56 Views
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Dogs have the ability to "read" human emotions. For example, dogs have been shown to discriminate between humans who approach in a friendly manner as opposed to a threatening one. They also respond more positively to rewards such as petting and positive verbalizations. Canines can also distinguish between a smiling face, a neutral one, and faces with expressions between happiness and disgust. Amazingly, they can use this information to find food. Lastly, dogs have been known to recognize sad reactions in people and are more likely to approach a crying person compared with someone who is speaking or singing.
The author's purpose in writing the passage is most likely to
- 00:02
Okay see reading shmoop bring people Here we go let's
- 00:05
get right to it The author's purpose in writing the
- 00:07
passage is what No dogs have the ability to read
- 00:13
human emotions For example dogs been trying to screw and
- 00:15
cream humans who approach in a friendly manner of hers
Full Transcript
- 00:18
that threatening one You also respond more positively to reward
- 00:21
such as petting and positive verbalization yeah don't we All
- 00:24
canines can also too single minded face and neutral interface
- 00:27
with spreading happiness and discussed Amazingly they can use the
- 00:31
information of playing food Yeah Ever looked at a dog
- 00:33
bowl All right Lastly doctor knew recognized and people who
- 00:36
are approach a crying person parent someone speaking or singing
- 00:39
interesting Okay the purpose What are they doing of a
- 00:42
motivating Persuading entertaining or informing us Well the details in
- 00:45
the text or really straight up here it's informative We're
- 00:48
getting schooled on dogs All the passages interesting it's not
- 00:52
written in a showy energy paining way like you'd find
- 00:55
it Schmuck yes the generic details aren't intended to convince
- 00:58
us of dogs superiority although they are superior or motivate
- 01:01
us to adopt a puppy which we should it's really
- 01:04
cool They're awesome are we love our dog But the
- 01:06
next time worth pound will remember the dogs actually care
- 01:09
cats Oh not so much that's it the answer's a 00:01:12.447 --> [endTime] inform And yet we're shmoop
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