A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

She looked out over Brooklyn. The starlight half revealed, half concealed. She looked out over the flat roofs, uneven in height, broken once in a while by a slanting roof from a house left over from older times. The chimney pots on the roofs. . .and on some, the shadowing looming of pigeon cotes. . .sometimes, faintly heard, the sleepy cooing of pigeons. . .the twin spires of the Church, remotely brooding over the dark tenements. . .And at the end of their street, the great Bridge that threw itself like a sigh across the East River and was lost. . .lost. . .on the other shore. The dark East River beneath the Bridge, and far away, the misty-gray skyline of New York, looking like a city cut from cardboard.

“There’s no other place like it,” Francie said. (46.94-95)

Can’t you just see this? The rooftops of turn-of-the-century Brooklyn, the bridge, the far away skyline of Manhattan… You can even hear it. Very cool.