Transformation Quotes in The Alchemyst

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The Witch of Endor touched Sophie's cheek and the girl opened her eyes. The whites were dotted with silver sparkles […] "This is a terrifying gift I have given you. Within you now is a lifetime—a very long lifetime—of experience. I hope some will be of use to you in the dire days ahead." (36.43-45)

Terrifying gift? That doesn't sound too promising. But remember, Hekate's powers were described as a curse, so it's entirely possible that Sophie's new skills are both a gift and a curse all at once. After all, we can't imagine it will be easy for her to learn how to use then. Nor can we imagine this means anything good for her relationship with her brother. At least until he gets Awakened—if that ever happens. We'll just have to read The Magician to see if Josh finally gets to tap into his own inner awesome.