Amélie Resources



The official Amélie site features an assortment of colorful film clips and tempts you to join the throng of almost 3 million Facebook fans.

Lost in Translation

We hope you speak French. You'll need it to navigate Jean-Pierre Jeunet's official website. Bonne chance!

Articles and Interviews

Overseas Change

In this interview, Jeunet discusses his obsession with secret lives and his transition from darker fare to the lighter whimsy of Amélie.

No Joke

Jean-Pierre Jeunet sits down with The Onion A.V. Club for an interview about fantasy, romance, and all the little pieces that make Amélie tick.


Jeunet reveals that although he shot on location in the real Montmartre, sometimes they changed the sky digitally to make it prettier. If only the sky worked that way in real life.

Cell Break

Jean-Pierre Jeunet trash talks J.Lo! Okay, not at all, but he does criticize the director of the 2000 Jennifer Lopez movie The Cell in this interview about his own personal style.


Edited for Content

This YouTube video shows us exactly what a film editor does, using Amélie as its template.

International Success

If you've wanted to know what Amélie has been doing since the credits, wonder no more.

Full of Hot Air

Foutaises, a 1989 short film by Jeunet, features a familiar face. (And some adult content.) It's entirely in French, so all we can figure out is that plucking a nose hair is painful business.


Amélie Considered

Amélie may have been rejected by Cannes, but she was accepted by All Things Considered on NPR.


Jean-Pierre Jeunet can add DJ to his resume after guesting on Tom Schnabel's Rhythm Planet.

Good Music for Good Deeds

Need background music while you get your Good Samaritan on? Pump the Amélie soundtrack to get motivated.

Amélie Becomes Eclectic

Yann Tiersen, who scored Amélie, shows many of the same qualities in his studio music, which he shares on Morning Becomes Eclectic.


Puts the Art in Montmartre

Does the real Montmartre live up to your expectations set by the fantasy version in Amélie?

From Amélie to Z

Amélie has inspired many minimalist posters, like this one that transforms its heroine into Zorro in one of the movie's final scenes…

Love. Paris. Gnomes.

… Or this one, which condenses Amélie down to the three very important things.