Anna Karenina Part 7, Chapter 16 Summary

  • The old Prince (Shcherbatsky, Kitty's father), Koznyshev, Oblonsky, and Levin all sit around chatting about the birth.
  • Levin goes in to see Kitty, who is making plans with her mother for the christening of the boy, who is named Dmitri.
  • Miss Mary cleans the baby and hands him to Levin.
  • That feeling of weird distance Levin experienced at the end of the last chapter, when his son's sudden appearance seemed almost superfluous or excessive, seems to continue here. Instead of some sort of immediate love for his son, Levin feels pity and squeamishness at this weird, red little creature.
  • The baby starts sucking on Kitty's breast, and then sneezes.
  • Levin is a little shocked at the unexpected nature of his emotions. Rather than happiness, he is concerned about this new vulnerability in his life—though he does feel a certain amount of pride and joy when the little baby sneezes.