Anna Karenina Part 8, Chapter 18 Summary

  • For the rest of the day everyone is in excellent spirits. Levin in particular is aware of the fullness in his heart.
  • Kitty is called away to give Mitya his bath just as Koznyshev launches into his views on the Eastern Question (which Levin doesn't entirely understand). Koznyshev seems to believe that a new epoch in history will be created by combining Russia with the forty million soon-to-be liberated Slavs.
  • Levin later goes to visit his wife and son.
  • Kitty shows him that Mitya has begun recognizing his parents. (They bring the cook in to experiment. Mitya smiles at his parents and not at the cook.)
  • Kitty tells Levin that she's pleased he's begun to feel affection for his son.
  • Levin admits that during the storm, he realized his love for his son. He had never not loved Mitya, but he had been disappointed by his own pity for this helpless child.