Anna Karenina Part 8, Chapter 16 Summary

  • Koznyshev turns the conversation in another direction. Conversation resumes around defining the "spirit of the people" and the obligations of the media.
  • Koznyshev feels that the intelligentsia, the intellectual class, of the world has merged with other classes. Everyone's united.
  • The old Prince Shcherbatsky points out that it might seem that way, because all the newspapers sound the same. But what does that have to do with the will of the people?
  • Levin points out timidly that this isn't just a matter of self-sacrifice: war with the Turks would also mean demanding that these volunteers murder other people.
  • But all the free thinkers, especially Katavasov, don't see why that's a problem, because they don't really believe in the soul. Levin sees that Koznyshev and Katavasov aren't going to change their minds, so he stops bothering.
  • The rain clouds gather in greater intensity. Levin points them out and suggests they return home.