Revenge Quotes in City of Bones

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Since the death of his father, Valentine had become an outspoken proponent of war against all Downworlders, not just ones who broke the Accords." (21.10)

Valentine takes his revenge a little far, extending it beyond just killing the werewolf who killed his father, but killing all Downworlders. Talk about guilty by association.

Quote #8

I wanted only to die, and to take with me the creature who had ruined me. (21.18)

This is Luke talking about the werewolf that infected him. Who in this book doesn't have an axe to grind?

Quote #9

"If we catch Valentine," [Clary] asked abruptly, "can we kill him?" (22.60)

Speaking of grinding axes, it seems that Clary has begun sharpening her own. Seriously, why are all these folks so hot-blooded? Or hotheaded?