Versions of Reality Quotes in City of Bones

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Clary, you're an artist. [...] You see the world in ways that other people don't." (2.46)

Art is all about perspective, and Clary's is definitely unique. Clearly Clary's already open-minded enough to see other worlds, other realities, that her fellow mundies might not be hip to.

Quote #5

He was tall, with maple-syrup-colored skin, gold-green eyes like a cat's, and tangled black hair. He grinned at her blindingly, showing sharp white teeth. (2.109)

Well this guy certainly doesn't sound like a typical human. He's got a mysterious allure. Must be from out of town.

Quote #6

Clary saw the [police woman's] hand was fleshless, a skeleton hand sharpened to bone points at the fingertips. (4.53)

We would not want to get pulled over by this officer.