Tradition and Customs Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This was the way things had been since their childhood as neighbors growing up on Serangoon Road, mainly because, coming from a Chinese-speaking family, Carol had always felt inferior to Eleanor, who was brought up speaking English first. (1.2.4)

Carol Tai, despite her honorary title Datin signifying her family's immense wealth, still feels she must show deference to someone who grew up speaking English first. Man, family background means a lot in this world.

Quote #2

In their world, you did not bring home some unknown girl unannounced. (1.4.16)

Shang Su Yi's family operates in its own world: even Astrid knows Nick's move to bring home Rachel unannounced will not go over well.

Quote #3

Nor would it be appropriate for Rachel to stay at his grandmother's house without her explicit invitation (1.8.13)

"Appropriate" makes us think of larger social cues and ethics, which underscores the world of social customs Shang Su Yi has maintained in her family.