The Crystal Cave Book Two, Chapter 11 Summary

  • Merlin tries to come up with a plausible story to tell Uther about wandering through the forest alone at night. Uther's not buying it.
  • Merlin winds up telling Uther most of the truth about meeting up with Ulfin and Belasius in the woods. Of course, he leaves out the sacrificial murder part.
  • It's unfortunate for Merlin that he's riding Belasius' horse—mostly because inside the saddlebags are Belasius' bloody white robes. Yikes.
  • Merlin does a smart thing. He gets all high and mighty with Uther and says that he will only explain to Ambrosius.
  • Uther is especially annoyed when he sees that Ambrosius has given Merlin a special brooch with a red dragon on it. It's like he's welcomed him to the family or something (hint, hint).
  • But Uther still thinks that Ambrosius will punish him real good for being involved with the illegal religious stuff. He force-marches Merlin to face Ambrosius.
  • When Merlin returns to his room, he meets Cadal. Cadal tells him what happened after they parted. It seems that Cadal had tried to go back to him, but saw the run-in with Uther.
  • Cadal freaks out when he hears that Merlin confronted Belasius. He warns Merlin that Belasius is a bad guy, and he should stay away from him.
  • But Merlin just kind of laughs it off, even though Cadal nearly passes out when he finds out that Belasius threatened to put a curse on Merlin.
  • Merlin tells Cadal that he's not afraid of Belasius. But it's not because he's courageous—it's just that he knows Belasius won't be involved in his death. It's that whole second sight thing.
  • Merlin tells Cadal that his "end" has to do with the crystal cave, but he doesn't really know the details. Could be death, could be a really long sleep. Whatever it is, it's not pleasant.
  • Cadal realizes that Merlin can see something about his own death, but Merlin is cagey about it. Cadal describes for Merlin what he looks like when he's "seeing" future things.
  • Merlin admits that those trances actually frighten him, mostly because he feels like an empty shell person when it's happening.
  • Merlin tells Cadal that he doesn't know how he (Cadal) will die, except that it won't be in Brittany. He tries to play it off as common sense rather than a prophecy.
  • Cadal jokes with Merlin about his being "twice royal," but Merlin doesn't get it. Until he does.
  • Merlin is Ambrosius' son.
  • Cadal basically tells Merlin that Merlin's the last to know. Rumors have been flying for a long time, since Merlin is very much like Ambrosius.
  • Merlin and Cadal discuss how this will not make Uther like him more. As it is, Uther thinks that Merlin is Ambrosius' underage sex slave, since Ambrosius doesn't seem to like women (or men, for that matter).
  • But Merlin knows that Uther knows. That red dragon brooch gave away the family connection between Merlin and Ambrosius.
  • Merlin tells Cadal that he probably will do some druid stuff with Belasius, just to see what it's about—but he's pretty sure that polytheism isn't where it's at.
  • Merlin's convinced that there's one God—he just doesn't know who that God is.
  • Merlin gussies himself up in a clean outfit (and the red dragon brooch) to go face his father.