The Crystal Cave Book Four, Chapter 5 Summary

  • In the aftermath of the battle, Ambrosius' men are trying to save the living and bury the dead.
  • Merlin finds a man who is dying and cuts his throat to put him out of his misery.
  • A man Merlin knows witnesses this and almost stabs him, thinking he's stealing from the dead.
  • The man confirms the catch of the day: Hengist is prisoner, but his kinsmen have escaped. Uther wants to kill Hengist immediately, but Ambrosius is having a "discussion" about it.
  • On his way to see Ambrosius, Merlin witnesses Hengist's execution.
  • Must have been a short discussion.
  • Ambrosius commands that Hengist be given a proper Saxon funeral (read: funeral pyre) so that he can go to his gods. He will attend the lighting. The bishop is mighty angry about this.
  • Merlin enters the fort and sees that he's needed as a medic (remember that Galapas trained him to be a healer).
  • Ambrosius comes to see Merlin. But Merlin hasn't got good news—he has to tell Ambrosius that Niniane is dead. He also has to say that she sent no message to him. Bummer.
  • Merlin and Ambrosius both go out to attend Hengist's funeral.
  • Ambrosius knows that Merlin gets all prophet-y when he stares into fires, so he's hoping this gigantic blaze will inspire some predictions.
  • But Merlin isn't inspired at all. Perhaps it has something to do with the smell of hundreds of dead Saxons roasting?
  • Ambrosius is a little annoyed at Merlin (maybe it was all that killing), since it seems that he prophesied for Vortigern and also saw Niniane's death.
  • But Merlin reminds Ambrosius that he's not in control of all this. He still doesn't know how the power works. Even if he'd rather be Ambrosius' prophet—not Vortigern's—it's not something he has any power over.
  • Merlin gives Ambrosius a consolation prize. Since Hengist's escaped kinsmen—called Octa and Eosa—fight under the white dragon, they're still doomed by Merlin's first prophesy.
  • Ambrosius likes this idea and wants to tell his men. It will make them more confident for the next fight.
  • Merlin is eager to be of service to Ambrosius as something more down to earth than a prophet-wizard-thing. He and Ambrosius are laughing and smiling at one another again pretty quickly. Aww.
  • Uther is not as easily charmed. He acts miffed because the soldiers are saying that Merlin won the battle by chanting magic stuff up on the mountaintop.
  • But Uther's still feeling really good after the first major battle, and he chats with Merlin. Merlin teasingly predicts that Uther will find a pretty young girl for his bed that night.