The Crystal Cave Book Three, Chapter 4 Summary

  • Merlin comes to the conclusion that Galapas could have been murdered by anyone: it didn't have to be Vortigern's men. Good men are vulnerable, he thinks.
  • But now, Merlin needs to find his mother if he can. Complication: he doesn't know where Mom's loyalties lie. He has to figure out how much he can tell her.
  • But Merlin isn't allowed into the nunnery. The nun at the gate tells him that he can't possibly be family, since Niniane's own son died five years ago. Oops.
  • Merlin gives the nun money and asks her to tell Niniane that Emrys is there to see her. Of course she wants to see him when she hears that.
  • But Merlin has to wait. So on to the old palace Merlin and Cadal go, to kill time.
  • And who should the two of them run into in the ruins of the place but Dinias, Merlin's red-haired bully of a cousin.
  • Dinias looks shady these days, especially since the whole family has pretty much been killed off. Merlin understands by Dinias' guarded speech that there are spies lurking in Maridunum.
  • Merlin tries to pick Dinias' brain for info to send back to Ambrosius. But it's going to take some time—Dinias can tell that Merlin has money, and he wants to get at least a dinner out of him.
  • So off Merlin and Dinias go to the pub for some wine.