The Crystal Cave Book Three, Chapter 2 Summary

  • So Merlin heads over the English Channel to check out the shenanigans happening in Vortigern's Britain. This time, he's returning home with the swag of a proper prince.
  • When they arrive in South Wales, Merlin and Cadal pretend that they are Cornishmen. That is, Merlin does. Cadal keeps his mouth shut.
  • Merlin needs to scope out the situation and send news of Vortigern to Ambrosius. Then he has to see his mother.
  • When Merlin and Cadal pass Merlin's grandfather's old palace, Merlin can see the damage that his fire did to the place. The entire building where his bedroom was is gone, as well as part of the outside structure.
  • Merlin realizes that this isn't really a homecoming—his home is now where Ambrosius is. Aww.
  • Merlin and Cadal reach the bottom of the hill where Galapas' old cave is, and Merlin makes his way up there alone.