Ella Enchanted Literature and Writing Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

With each of his letters I fell more in love with him. But I couldn't tell him. If I said I was old enough to marry and his question had only been the continuation of a good joke, he would be horribly embarrassed and our easy friendship would be ruined. He might stop writing, which I couldn't endure. If he wasn't jesting, it was for him to say so. Until then or never, I treasured our correspondence. (24.44)

The letters from Char are pretty much the only good thing in Ella's life (besides having Mandy around) while she's forced to serve her stepfamily. It helps that his letters are articulate and charming enough for, well. Prince Charming. Er, Charmont.

Quote #8

The whole page was full of blots and cross-outs. Each letter was formed with a wobbly hand, as though the writer didn't know how to hold a pen. Poor Olive! (16.38)

We know it's not nice to keep making fun of Olive, but the girl can hardly string two sentences together, and her writing style is just one more example of how poorly educated she is—despite coming from a wealthy family. (Yet another reminder that money isn't everything).

Quote #9

The only subjects that came easily were those taught by Writing Mistress: composition and ciphering. (10.69)

Well, duh. It's no surprise that writing comes naturally to Ella: she's already shown us that she's good at everything having to do with language.