Fallen Chapter 2 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 2 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"Dad died two years ago," Penn said quietly. "They got as far as sticking me with the decaying old Headmaster Udell as my legal guardian, but, uh, hey never really got around to hiring a replacement for Dad."

"I'm sorry," Luce said, lowering her voice, too. So someone else here knew what it was like to go through a major loss. (2.133)

Even though not all the students have suffered the same way that Luce has, they have definitely suffered. Penn is a great example, because her loss is a personal one, not something that she was in control of, like Luce. This further proves that Penn is a fantastic person to know, and that Luce is lucky to have her in her life—and not only because she brought Luce shampoo in her meatloaf-y time of need.

"Avoid the chicken-fried steak at all costs," [Arriane] coached as they followed the crowd into the din of the lunchroom. "The pizza's fine, the chili's okay, and actually the borscht ain't bad. Do you like meatloaf?"

"I'm a vegetarian," Luce said…

"Vegetarian, huh?" Arriane pursed her lips. "Hippie parents or your own meager attempt at rebellion?" (2.50-52)

This interaction shows two things. First, we see that Arriane is a good person to have around because she can walk you through the inner workings of the lunchroom with ease. Second, we see that Luce doesn't fit in here. The fact that she just doesn't like meat sets her apart from the other students—and it also makes it really, really hard for her to find suitable dinner options.