Fallen Chapter 8 Summary

How It All Goes Down

A Dive Too Deep

  • Ever the helpful friend, on Saturday morning, Penn confesses that she saw Luce type Daniel's name into the search bar on the library computer. She decides to help Luce uncover the mysteries of Daniel's past once and for all.
  • Did we mention that Penn is a great friend? Because she totally is.
  • Luce and Penn travel down to the records room past the admissions office, once again a bit of Civil War-era nostalgia.
  • Luce and Penn begin to investigate, discovering that the records for Daniel's past are as strange as his own murky history: he has no ancestors, and he grew up in the Los Angeles County Orphanage, where the worst crimes he's committed are totally petty ones like jaywalking.
  • So he's an orphan, and the worst thing he's done is jaywalk…
  • But Luce is still disappointed that there doesn't seem to be enough information on this mysterious dreamboat. Maybe because by now she's upped the ante to sincere stalking?
  • Miss Sophia intercepts the pair, and since they're technically not supposed to be in there, anyway, Penn and Luce are forced the leave the files room. They'll have to return to their espionage another day.
  • Once out in the sunshine again, Luce has a run-in with a soccer ball, courtesy of Roland, and Daniel springs over to check on her.
  • Luce did get hit in the side of the head after all, and although Daniel doesn't seem to be making any moves to be nice to her, he apparently doesn't want her to get too hurt. Maybe just emotionally hurt.
  • After making sure Luce doesn't have a permanent imprint of a soccer ball on the side of her face, Daniel invites her to hang out with him by a secluded lake.
  • Wow, this guy swings between hot and cold faster than a Katy Perry song.
  • Luce goes with Daniel, and they enjoy a quick afternoon of swimming and even more confusing chatter before Daniel confesses that he recently had his heart broken, and that he isn't interested in dating anyone. This news crushes Luce even as it confuses her, because she can't convince herself that this weirdness with Daniel only has to do with a broken heart.
  • But before Luce can convince herself to press Daniel further, he heads back to shore, and she swears she can see the outline of wings framing his back as he climbs back out of the water.
  • Luce, you okay there, girl? How hard did that soccer ball hit you, anyway?