Fallen Chapter 3 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 3 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

She missed her parents, who'd stuck a Post-it on the T-shirt at the top of her bag—We love you! Prices never crash! She missed her bedroom, which looked out on her dad's tomato vines. She missed Callie, who most certainly had sent her at least ten never-to-be-seen text messages already. She missed Trevor…

Or, well, that wasn't exactly it. What she missed was the way life had felt when she'd first started talking to Trevor. (3.11-12)

Grade A pity party, Luce. You've been on campus for all of twelve hours, maybe.
Admittedly, this is a lot to take in; getting taken away from your family and friends in your senior year of high school isn't exactly a picnic. But hey, at least you're not DEAD. We bet Trevor wishes he could say the same thing. Too bad he's not around anymore to make you feel good, since that seems to be what most concerns you…We mean, what?

Quote 2

As she watched the light movement of his body as he sketched, Luce's insides felt like they were burning, like she'd swallowed something hot. She couldn't figure out why, against all reason, she had this wild premonition that Daniel was drawing her…

Then it hit her. The dream she'd had the night before. The briefest flash of it came back to her all of a sudden. In the dream, it had been late at night—damp and chilly, and she'd been dressed in something long and flowing. She leaned up against a curtained window in an unfamiliar room. The only other person there was a man…or a boy—she never got the chance to see his face. He was sketching her likeness on a thick pad of paper. (3.49-51)

Here we see Luce's dreams intertwine with her memory, all triggered by her proximity to Daniel. Interestingly, we get to see this scene from Daniel's perspective before we see it from Luce's. That doubles the impact when Luce experiences it for the first time, because we know without a doubt that it actually happened.