Fallen Chapter 4 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 4 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

And then the deep groan of something heaving startled them both. Luce gasped as the top of the marble statue teetered over them, like a tree branch swaying in the breeze. For a second, it seemed to hover in the air.

Luce and Daniel stood staring at the angel. Both of them knew it was on its way down. The angel's head bowed slowly toward them, like it was praying—and then the whole statue picked up speed as it started hurtling down. (4.109-110)

Foreshadowing, folks. A stone angel almost kills Luce, just as, we later learn, the knowledge of Daniel's existence as a fallen angel had killed Luce in the past, over and over again. The fact that Daniel is right next to Luce to witness this whole thing—and also save her from the falling angel—is as romantic as it is ironic.

Quote 2

Her eyes just happened to fall on Daniel, who was working. He was very diligently using a wire brush to scrub some mold off the bronze inscription on a tomb. He'd even pushed up the sleeves of his sweater, and Luce could see his muscles straining as he went at it. She sighed, and—she couldn't help it—leaned her elbow against the stone angel to watch him.

He's always been such a hard worker.

Luce quickly shook her head. Where had that thought come from? She had no idea what it meant. And yet, she had been the one who'd thought it. (4.78-80)

In another instance when Luce's memory runs away from her, she has a thought about Daniel that, if she didn't already know him, she wouldn't know. The fact that this occurrence takes even Luce off guard indicates that she has no idea why she thought it. But we do, of course, and watching Luce go through the discovery on her own—with Daniel's help, sort of—is as interesting as it is heartbreaking.

"Um," she hedged, racking her brain for a sensible lie. Finding nothing. She racked her knuckles.
Daniel cupped his hand over hers. "I hate it when you do that." (4.90-91)

Although Daniel does his best to hide how much he knows about Luce, he sometimes lets his knowledge of her slip out without meaning to. It must be really hard for him to pretend that he doesn't know her, especially when he's known her for hundreds of years.