Fallen Chapter 7 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 7 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"What about your faith in the power of transformation?" Cam asked, fingering the shed skin. "That's what we're here for, after all." (7.70)

While not exactly a religious moment, this scene between Cam and Luce has religious undertones—as well as mention of a snake, which is a clear Bible reference. Still skeptical? Let us break it down. They're in a sort of garden, Cam has just fed Luce an apple, and now he's holding a snakeskin. Garden of Eden, anyone? On top of that, Cam's question about transformation might have more to do with his hope that Luce will rewrite her love story and join his side instead of Daniel's, which is all the more sinister when we consider that by spending time with Cam, Luce doesn't really know what she's signing up for.

Quote 2

She followed Cam to the bottom of a bowl-like graveyard and the more ornate tombs and mausoleums. On the slope above, the headstones seemed to be looking down at them, like Luce and Cam were performers in an amphitheater. The midday sun glowed orange through the leaves of a giant oak tree in the cemetery, and Luce shaded her eyes with her hands. (7.32)

At this moment, when Luce is in the cemetery with Cam, there's an atmosphere of presentation and performance. The fact that Cam takes her out in the middle of the day also speaks to his attitude and personality: he's flashy and personable, and he's comfortable being the center of attention. After all, the cemetery isn't an entirely private place for them to hang out.

Quote 3

Luce stared at [Cam's] fingers wrapped around hers. She hadn't realized before how closely the shades of their skin matched. In a landscape of southern sunbathers, Luce's paleness had always made her feel self-conscious. But Cam's skin was so striking, so noticeable, almost metallic—and now she realized she might look the same to him. Her shoulders shivered and she felt a little dizzy. (7.46)

Here we have Daniel's opposite, Cam, pale and shadowy. He's still beautiful in a…metallic sort of way? But he's definitely not a golden boy. We know he's not a vampire, but he certainly borrowed from the vampire aesthetic.