Memory and Dreams Quotes in Fallen

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Warm milk with a spoonful of treacle," he murmured sadly, his back still to her. Then he added sadly, "It helps you sleep." (Prologue. 17)

How does Daniel know this? Oh, yeah—he remembers it from one (or several) of Luce's past lives. Does Luce pick up on this? Nah. She wouldn't be a YA heroine if she did.

Quote #2

"I'm having the strangest sensation," she whispered.

No—was it already too late?

Her eyes narrowed into the shape in his sketch and she came back to him, her lips parted expectantly. "Tell me I'm mad, but I swear I've been right here before…"

So it was too late. He looked up, shivering, and could feel the dark descending. (Prologue.35-37)

From this interaction, it's clear that this is a tipping point for Daniel. Every time Luce says this to him, it must put his guard up, because it's a signal that she might disappear at any moment. That really puts a damper on an otherwise uneventful evening, doesn't it?

Quote #3

He leaned up against the building with his arms crossed lightly over his chest. And for a split second, Luce saw a flashing image of herself folded into those arms. She shook her head, but the vision stayed so clear that she almost took off toward him.

No, that was crazy. Right? Even at a school full of crazies, Luce was well aware that this instinct was insane. She didn't even know him. (1.174-175)

In this lifetime, we see that the draw Luce feels for Daniel is immediate and undeniable, and that's perhaps because her memories from her past lives are strong and unwavering—so much so that she can't believe she can have such a strong reaction to seeing someone for the first time. Does that explain love at first sight?